“ She was small in stature, but not it spunk and a super annoying knoiw-it-all” Nope…that’s not Jess…not at all. Under the cut, you’ll find 145 small, hq gifs of actor Chris Wood from his role as Jake Riley in Containment, episode 1x01. Then Jess jumps on Edgar and tries to protect Nick too.
#Julius pepperwood gif plus#
Plus Nick calling her Jessica gets me everytime. The whole pogo story was really funny… but this scene with Schmidt’sĭiscussion: “ I use apricot too much in my normal life” “ why do you use apricot so much?” “ what am I suppose to call them? Sweet tangy balls?” “ don’t call them sweet tangy ball, Jessica” It’s so hilarious.For people who grew up on the same city that’s not what you expect.

To my english native speakers roomfriends: Isn’t Nick’s accent from Chicago? I understand the purpose of having him make the fake voice/accent, but to me his accent and WInston’s are not the same. The moment we meet Julius Pepperwood Jess’ face when Nick says he’s worried about her is so cute!!!.I wish they had kept this for a few more episodes. That annoyed others to the point of having to pay for them. Only Schmidt was happy that he was not the only one having Took away the whole purpose of putting the money there, as Nick’s frustrated face shows. Jess happy to put money on the annoynce bowl.I know the writers / Liz were not sure about this episode, but I’m glad they did it. Now Pepperwood is, by Schmidts description, 'a hard-boiled Chicago cop turned New Orleans detective, racing around on fan-boats, drowning that two-faced DA in a bucket of jambalaya' who finds.